It has been quite some time since I last wrote a bad review. I cannot help it but I have to write this out. This is based on my personal experience and the content is 100% true.

12 March 2015
As advised by Mastura. Then, the woman working there was not very polite in my point of view. After flipping through the papers that I showed her, she pointed out that the YES number on the application form was incorrect. I took down this number through the YES Care customer support as I could not log in to my own account in February. That was long time ago. I didn't 'create' this number by myself but it was provided. So, the only thing she cared about was that. Then, it gave me a very bad feeling that she just wanted to just shoo me off by showing me the error. I was very stern with my desire to terminate the account by hook or by crook. Then, she told me a surprising news: I needed to bring the owner of the account, which is my boyfriend who is currently in Klang, to the center personally to do the termination. Okay, honestly speaking, I didn't know there is such necessity from the very beginning up until she voiced it out. I was not told by anyone about this. As a result, today is the last day to submit the termination form and it is not able to be done. That means I might be charged for another cycle of bill AGAIN! (I was charged like twice since I stopped using and those were simply my fault. However, I'm not letting this third time happening again!)
This is a super long post because I want to keep every minor details recorded clearly here. I'm writing based on what I remember and hence, they are 90% accurate as they are quite recent. I reserve not to say it is 100% because well, I'm a human and I may accidentally miss some points or misinterpreted. However, I'm careful with my choice of words and hardly use sure modals for incidents that I am not too sure of.
This post may gain a lot of hatred from some supporters of YES but seriously, I think it is going to be very useful for some other victims like me. I personally think the experience that I had with YES is horrifying. It has wasted so much of my time and energy. However, for the sake of future users, I think this post is worth my time.
Like it or not, this post is genuinely from the experience of a bad-luck user of YES4G RM 68 dongle broadband. Deep inside now (cuz I'm still very unsatisfied with everything), I do wish the owner of YES will somehow see this post and well, do something to improve your company.
I definitely will rave the high speed that YES4G has which other suppliers are of not their competitors. However, with such service, support and system, it is a whole big scam to me.
Up to now, I think this case has finally subdued. I hope I don't have to continue updating this post anymore. I'm most likely going to pay the RM 68 just simply because it is registered under my boyfriend's identity. I'll take this as 'buang sui' for YES company. Take the RM 68 and you will lose a client forever. Maybe, more to come, since this post will most likely stays here F O R E V E R.
I'm totally pissed off with the service provided by the YES company. I'm going to write this post in a chronology order so that if any of you would like to know in detailed, you can know better.
I decided to quit using the YES 4G dongle RM 68 monthly service in February. The last date of my cycle bill is on the 25th of every month. For anybody who wants to terminate your broadband service, please be sure to get the termination form and IC (front and back) sent to their email 7 working days before the due date of your cycle.
Regarding 7 working days - Initially, I found this super ridiculous as a simple termination can take that long. If you count properly, you actually need to count in the 2 extra weekends as extra before the due date otherwise you be forced to pay for another cycle of bill. How hard can it be to terminate an account? Does it really need to take 7 days that long?? Okay, I have no comment on how "fast" they work. It's not subjected for me to comment too.
So, back to this - I went to the nearby YES center in Melaka Raya, Melaka. The main branch is in Ong Kim Wee. I chose to go to Melaka Raya's cuz it is nearer to my place. So, they told me the steps to terminate my account. They also gave me a termination form. Here's the steps that they provided:
- Fill up the termination form.
- Scan the termination form as well as your IC front and back into the computer.
- Attach and email them to
- Wait for their feedback to confirm if your account has been terminated.
- The end.
Simple enough to do this by your own if you are familiar with how emails work. Nothing difficult about that. Anybody can do this. So, I followed the instructions given. I sent my email on the 28 February 2015 the application form without the IC. I totally forgotten about the IC for some reasons. I don't put this as anybody's fault except for my own. My carelessness. I actually prompted them for a reply on the 3 March 2015 as you can see in the print screen below.
Later, I received an email from them on the 3 March 2015.

Alright, they acknowledged receiving my termination form but not the IC. They are right here.
I don't want to delay the termination process as I am afraid of getting hooked up for another cycle of bill just because of that. So, on the same date itself 3 March 2015, I quickly resend the 2 needed stuff again: scan copy (termination form) and the IC copy.
However, as you can see, I waited till on the 5 March 2015, there is no response. I was impatient and wrote an email to prompt them to confirm my termination application. At this point, you can see that they didn't seem to receive my attachments/email on t he 3 March 2015.
This made me wondered why - they could reply to my prompt email on the 3 March 2015 but not to my email containing attachments on the 3 March 2015 itself. The interesting story is coming soon.
By the way, I have tried to keep myself as polite as possible in my emails.
After that on the 5 March 2015, they replied. Again, the message content is quite similar to the previous one, prompting me to provide the IC copy. From here, I started to lose my patience. I have already sent but they told me they didn't receive.
Fine! I then decided to resend to them again on the 6 March 2015 (as you can see in the print screen below). It's very easy to notice whether an email has an attachment to it or not. There is a a paper clip symbol icon there which will tell that the particular email thread has attachments.
They didn't reply for a couple of days because the 6 March 2015 is a Friday. So, I have to wait for 2 working days giving allowance to the weekends. On the 9 March 2015, I followed up with them. I'm obviously losing my patience as this is getting more and more tedious and ridiculous.
And then.. on the 9 March, they sent me the same exact email that they replied on the one on the 5 March. The content, for the third time, is similar: asking me to resend the IC copy.
This time, I got really very furious and impatient. They must be kidding me to keep asking me to send emails like as though I have nothing better to do.
I wrote a super long email back to them. As you can see, I clearly have attached the attachments they wanted to complete the process a couple of times in each of my email thread. So, what you see above is actually my THIRD time sending them the same thing.
I was so angry that I decided to give them a call at their Customer Service line : 018 333 0000
As usual, I need to waste my time and money listening and responding to the auto caller before I can reach the actual customer support worker. It's a female. I believe her name is called Miss Nur/Nor (I got her name from another customer support that I talked to after that).
I was so angry. At first, I was polite. Slowly, she got me onto my nerves. She didn't understand my situation. So, I sort of screamed to her. I was so angry. She didn't seem to understand that I told her several times repeatedly, that I have sent out the damn emails with attachments on several dates. I wondered why she didn't receive them.
Okay, no matter what, after talking to her on the phone, I did as she instructed. She asked me to send the email once again. Fine. I'm going to be the dumb-er to send for the 4th time using another email account. This is crazy. For this sake, I need to look for another email account. How troublesome this thing has got me into!
I was crazily mad at the stupid service. One, I have to wait for the pending call, waiting for this Miss Nur/Nor to return the call. Two, she told me stuff that I am not interested to know of - it isn't my responsibility to bear when you are the one who didn't receive the emails that I have confirmed I have sent. So, I asked her to call me back out of frustration. She refused. Can you believe that? A customer support refusing to call back?? Especially this is coming from a huge telecommunication center! How much will that charge you?
The worse thing on top of that, this Miss Nur/Nor PROMISED to call me back. I gave her my number and she repeated after me. This obviously showed that she HEARD my request of asking her to call back and agreed to do so. I requested her to call back after 10 minutes when I'm done with the new procedure she asked me to proceed with: resend everything using a new email. I was using previously. So, this time, I used
Here's the 4th time I'm sending them :
I waited for 40 minutes plus. I didn't receive any call from this Miss Nur/Nor. She obviously cheated me. She promised me but she didn't make it. I felt cheated as a consumer. On top of all, I felt dumb.
I intentionally highlighted the 'sent folder' so that you can see, this email, similarly to the ones I posted using my account, HAVE BEEN posted out but somehow, they claimed not to receive any of them. Yet, surprisingly they could receive and reply to some other emails. It seemed like their inbox is able to detect which email to receive and which not to? Horrendously absurd.
So, I decided to call again to the Customer Support. This time, I made sure to ask the name of the worker before starting the talk. Her name is Mastura. Okay this woman sounded better and more experienced than the previous one. I told her my problem all over again from A to Z. Imagine how much telephone fee I've spent just to get this stupid termination to be done successfully.
She put me on hold on the phone with some music for me to hear, 3-4 minutes later, she returned and told me that the email department DID NOT receive my email from my account. Oh my goodness! This is crazy.
How could they possibly say that they didn't receive? They didn't receive my emails containing attachments while I used as well as
This Mastura kept telling the same thing. In the end, she asked me to go to the main branch in Melaka, Ong Kim Wee to get this done. This means, I need to print out the 2 things and then pass to them. All my effort previously were wasted. My time. My money. My energy.
I was concerned if this delay were to happen, I might be charged another cycle of bill. I will not bear the consequences of such thing. Hence, I asked Mastura what will happen then if I were to be late once again due to this matter - of you people are unable to 'receive' my email successfully. She suggested me showing them print screens (I told her I have print screens of evidence I sent out those emails on hand).
As for now, I need to get everything ready and go to Ong Kim Wee the next day. According to her, I have 2 days of allowance before my due date for the next cycle of bill. I have to rush and get myself there no matter what.
All in all, I really think YES service is too horrible. According to an ex DiGi staff, termination process is a simple process that can be done very quickly. The 7 days itself is ridiculous and what's more is this failure of them in receiving emails.
To other people who wish to terminate your account/even plan of using YES, think twice or maybe thrice! Don't end up like me. It has wasted so much of my precious time! I have better stuff to do with the time I spent on writing this blog. However, I think there is an essential to write this because I don't want to see other consumers being cheated the same way as I was.
So, just beware! Reserve your own consumer rights. They are cunning. Also, RUDE for promising to call back but didn't. And you know what? This Miss Nur/Nor didn't apologize. Her fault is being taken care of by Mastura who apologized on behalf of her. Lousy worker. You have yourself to be blamed if you are sacked or what if this blog post reaches your employer. Teach you a lesson: Do not simply promise clients when you just don't plan to do it! You are CHEATING them.
My Review on YES4G Broadband
Previously when I was using the YES4G at Jitra, Kedah, I was surprised with how fast the data finished in just a couple of days as a result of just leaving your Facebook on without watching videos or doing anything heavy data consumption. My package is a 4GB per month package and seriously, for the first month, it took only less than a week to finish to 0GB. The only thing I did during that week was having my Facebook on for the homepage. I did not even watch a single video or download anything. Though it is undeniable that it is fast compared to many other suppliers but the rate of finishing the data is crazy! Overall, I felt cheated at that moment and regretted taking YES4G as my broadband supplier. I was using Celcom RM 50 student package before that and had no such problem at all. I could use my Celcom broadband with 5GB per month to play Farmville (heavy data consumption Facebook game) for hours EVERYDAY. Yet, I still have balance like 2-3 GB per month.
To make a summary of the whole long list of incidence which I have evidences to back-up as shown above:
28 February :
- I sent application form without IC copy.
3 March :
- I prompted them for the first time to give me a confirmation.
- Then, they replied saying that they didn't receive the IC copy but only the application form attachment.
- I quickly send the application form as well as the IC copy to them on the same day itself.
5 March:
- I prompted them for the second time for confirmation.
- Then, they replied saying that they didn't receive the IC copy and the application form attachment.
6 March
- I resend the application form and IC copy to them for the second time.
9 March
- I prompted them for the third time for confirmation.
- Then, they replied saying that they didn't receive the IC copy and the application form attachment.
- On the same day itself, I resend the application form and IC copy to them for the third time.
11 March
- I called to the customer support and Miss Nur/Nor was on the phone. She told me to resend using a different email address.
- I did as what Miss Nur/Nor said and resend application form and IC copy to them for the forth time. While I was checking back everything, I then only realized something is lacking in my application form. While I was filling up the form, I accidentally liquid off 3 digits from the IC number column. So, you see, they told me they received my application form but they did not even check that my form is incomplete. I cannot imagine if by the time they realize it, they will tell me my form is incomplete during the time I sent and as a result, I will be charged to pay for another cycle of bill! I have no doubt that this is possible to happen! Luckily, I notice it by myself first!)
- I called to the customer support 40 minutes later and Mastura was on the phone. She told me that my forth email did not reach them.
12 March
- I went to the Ong Kim Wee branch to do the termination. It was unsuccessful. Instead of terminating the account, the lady working there filed a complain on behalf of us. We were asked to wait for 7 working days at most for the feedback.
- At 9 PM something, a customer support from YES, named Moy called me to talk about the issue. He explained to me and in the end, the resolution was: Account will be termination on 25 March BUT I have to pay the remaining RM 68 bill for one last time before the termination is considered as totally done. Otherwise, I'll be barred from signing up with other Telco.
12 March 2015
As advised by Mastura. Then, the woman working there was not very polite in my point of view. After flipping through the papers that I showed her, she pointed out that the YES number on the application form was incorrect. I took down this number through the YES Care customer support as I could not log in to my own account in February. That was long time ago. I didn't 'create' this number by myself but it was provided. So, the only thing she cared about was that. Then, it gave me a very bad feeling that she just wanted to just shoo me off by showing me the error. I was very stern with my desire to terminate the account by hook or by crook. Then, she told me a surprising news: I needed to bring the owner of the account, which is my boyfriend who is currently in Klang, to the center personally to do the termination. Okay, honestly speaking, I didn't know there is such necessity from the very beginning up until she voiced it out. I was not told by anyone about this. As a result, today is the last day to submit the termination form and it is not able to be done. That means I might be charged for another cycle of bill AGAIN! (I was charged like twice since I stopped using and those were simply my fault. However, I'm not letting this third time happening again!)
My dad and I spent quite some time at the center there talking to the worker who looked snobbish to me. I don't know but I just dislike her attitude of service. She did not seem polite - I just felt that way.
She told me she did not have a phone to call to the YES Care department when I told her to double confirm with them. The way she answered me was, "Oh, we don't have a phone here to call out" in a really snobbish and annoying tone to me. After several moment of 'quarrels' over this issue, she decided to take out her personal phone to call one of the other staff (from which department, I don't know but her name is Azie or something).
The final decision after she put down the phone was still unable to terminate the account without the presence of the actual owner. So, this problem is going to prolong.
After all the silly and time-wasting arguments with her, she decided to file a complain and then photocopy the evidence that I showed her - the print screens of the emails that I sent earlier. She did not promise us if we are forbidden from paying the next cycle bill. She only promised to make the complain as we have confessed. This means what then? I might be forced to pay another cycle once again? Hell No.
The final resolution at this moment is : She filed a complain. We wait for the results for 7 working days. If there is no responce yet, then I need to call them. I do hope this time they WILL remember to call back. She gave us a report number to keep track with this issue. And we shall see how this goes -
Oh by the way, this woman working at the center was a little ridiculous. We asked for her boss's name so that if necessary, we'd like to make a complain. Then, she said she can't reveal her boss's name. Is there really such thing that the employee can't tell clients their boss name? Is that a secret? I will be surprised to know if that's the case. It sounds like the employer is a black secret that should be hidden in the dark.
9.49 PM
I just put down the phone after talking to another customer support named Moy. He called to explain about the issue. Among all, I think his attitude is the best except until the end. I'll let you know why later.
He explained that the new bill is generated on every 25th of the month. Okay, I know this. Here's a list, for a better view:
25 February 2015 - Bill statement ready / Due date: 27 March 2015
27 February 2015 - Paid the bill.
3 March 2015 - Started dealing with them regarding the termination.
According to Moy, as for now, he confirmed that my account will be terminated on the 25 March 2015. However, due to the fact that I started dealing everything on the 3 March (even if it is way 7 working days ahead), the Feb-March bill has already started. Hence, I needed to pay for the Feb-March bill after the 25 March 2015 when the bill is generated.
When I asked him if this means paying in advanced all the times - In this case which is how I look it as it is. Even if I terminate my account on the 25 March, I still need to pay the bill after the 25 March.
Up to this far, it's what I understood from Moy after hearing him explaining and correcting me a couple of times. I appreciate his patience there. However, I felt scraped off and cheated by the way how the bill cycle works. It seems to me that no matter what, you are FORCED to pay for the last bill of which falls during the time when you make the termination.
Not only that, I think this overall system is crazily confusing and somehow is not benefiting the client but siding the seller more. Maybe, I have not understood how everything works but as for now as it is, I need to pay for another RM 68 in order not to get my boyfriend's IC number barred from any other Telco in the future.
So, seriously, I felt totally scraped off and disappointed with the super lousy experience with YES4G. From A to Z, except for the speed of the Internet, nothing pleases me. The price, speed of finishing, customer support and systems are a complete scam to me. I will never ever recommend this service to anyone. Seek for a high speed but bear the scary consequences later on.
Back to Moy. He was generally quite patient to listen to my complains about Nur/Nor whom I am greatly displeased with. However, at the end of the conversation, when I told him honestly that I'll be writing a blog post on this matter because it's my rights, he simply answered me something that means "okay, go ahead". I don't recall him saying anything more polite of the way of how customer support should reply. He seems to encourage me to write about their company. So, congratulations to the owner of YES, you have a bunch of "tip-top" workers.
I just put down the phone after talking to another customer support named Moy. He called to explain about the issue. Among all, I think his attitude is the best except until the end. I'll let you know why later.
He explained that the new bill is generated on every 25th of the month. Okay, I know this. Here's a list, for a better view:
25 February 2015 - Bill statement ready / Due date: 27 March 2015
27 February 2015 - Paid the bill.
3 March 2015 - Started dealing with them regarding the termination.
According to Moy, as for now, he confirmed that my account will be terminated on the 25 March 2015. However, due to the fact that I started dealing everything on the 3 March (even if it is way 7 working days ahead), the Feb-March bill has already started. Hence, I needed to pay for the Feb-March bill after the 25 March 2015 when the bill is generated.
When I asked him if this means paying in advanced all the times - In this case which is how I look it as it is. Even if I terminate my account on the 25 March, I still need to pay the bill after the 25 March.
Up to this far, it's what I understood from Moy after hearing him explaining and correcting me a couple of times. I appreciate his patience there. However, I felt scraped off and cheated by the way how the bill cycle works. It seems to me that no matter what, you are FORCED to pay for the last bill of which falls during the time when you make the termination.
Not only that, I think this overall system is crazily confusing and somehow is not benefiting the client but siding the seller more. Maybe, I have not understood how everything works but as for now as it is, I need to pay for another RM 68 in order not to get my boyfriend's IC number barred from any other Telco in the future.
So, seriously, I felt totally scraped off and disappointed with the super lousy experience with YES4G. From A to Z, except for the speed of the Internet, nothing pleases me. The price, speed of finishing, customer support and systems are a complete scam to me. I will never ever recommend this service to anyone. Seek for a high speed but bear the scary consequences later on.
Back to Moy. He was generally quite patient to listen to my complains about Nur/Nor whom I am greatly displeased with. However, at the end of the conversation, when I told him honestly that I'll be writing a blog post on this matter because it's my rights, he simply answered me something that means "okay, go ahead". I don't recall him saying anything more polite of the way of how customer support should reply. He seems to encourage me to write about their company. So, congratulations to the owner of YES, you have a bunch of "tip-top" workers.
This is a super long post because I want to keep every minor details recorded clearly here. I'm writing based on what I remember and hence, they are 90% accurate as they are quite recent. I reserve not to say it is 100% because well, I'm a human and I may accidentally miss some points or misinterpreted. However, I'm careful with my choice of words and hardly use sure modals for incidents that I am not too sure of.
This post may gain a lot of hatred from some supporters of YES but seriously, I think it is going to be very useful for some other victims like me. I personally think the experience that I had with YES is horrifying. It has wasted so much of my time and energy. However, for the sake of future users, I think this post is worth my time.
Like it or not, this post is genuinely from the experience of a bad-luck user of YES4G RM 68 dongle broadband. Deep inside now (cuz I'm still very unsatisfied with everything), I do wish the owner of YES will somehow see this post and well, do something to improve your company.
I definitely will rave the high speed that YES4G has which other suppliers are of not their competitors. However, with such service, support and system, it is a whole big scam to me.
Up to now, I think this case has finally subdued. I hope I don't have to continue updating this post anymore. I'm most likely going to pay the RM 68 just simply because it is registered under my boyfriend's identity. I'll take this as 'buang sui' for YES company. Take the RM 68 and you will lose a client forever. Maybe, more to come, since this post will most likely stays here F O R E V E R.
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