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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

grrr... frustrated

. . . .  S T A T U S
Mood: =O

I am.....
SUPER f r u s t r a t e d   right now----
How can so many bad things all happen at 1 shot... T.T

  1. Have to refund $10 
  2. Have to redo 
  3. Lan cable cannot use even though I have tried restarting my damn Toshiba for like ten times 
  4. Stupid customer asked me to do landing page when I don't even know and DON'T feel like knowing what a damn landing page is 
  5. Can't watch War and Beauty because of my Lan cable
  6. Looking at the long list of orders and I am so NOT motivated to do any
  7. Early in the morning got scolding for this stupid Lan cable problem. 
All in all, these give me an impact--- 
I don't feel like doing anything now! 


Bad day.
Suay day.
Unlucky day.


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